Florida Pushes Gov. Resign Law Change During Presidential Run

A potential change to Florida state law could open the door for Governor Ron DeSantis to run for president in 2024. When asked about the current law requiring the governor to resign if they seek the official nomination for president, Florida State Senate President Kathleen Passidomo of Naples said she believes it is a “big honor and privilege” and should be allowed. House Speaker Paul Renner of Palm Coast agrees with this sentiment and believes the law should be reconsidered.

Currently, in Florida, the state law states that if an individual serving as the state’s governor becomes an official presidential nominee, they must resign their seat before receiving any nomination. This law has been changed previously to accommodate former Governor Charlie Crist, who left office when he sought vice president in 2008; however, this would not be applicable should Governor DeSantis choose to run in 2024.

Renner notes that the law has been “inconsistent” and believes it should be allowed to be changed again. The legislature will look into amending the law in March of 2023, an off-election year, which could give Governor DeSantis enough time to decide if he so chooses.

However, if the law is amended as it stands now, this could open the door for Governor DeSantis to remain in office while accepting a presidential nomination should he decide to run in 2024. It is also important to note that even with an amendment allowing Florida’s governor to accept a presidential nomination, it would still be up to individual voters and DeSantis himself as to whether or not they believe he would make a suitable candidate.

At this time, the governor has yet to indicate whether he plans to run for president in 2024. Desantis has also not indicated whether he will seek to challenge former President Donald Trump in a GOP primary. If Governor DeSantis proceeds with his ambitions to run for president, he will have until March 2023 to decide before lawmakers take up revisiting this statute. 

But any potential changes to Florida state law would benefit him should he enter the race. With speculation of a possible candidate growing stronger every day, many Floridians are hoping that Governor DeSantis will make a formal announcement regarding his plans soon.

In addition, the governor has not expressed any opinion on the potential amendment to the state’s law. However, his supporters and voters across Florida will likely take any support he expresses seriously. Overall, if the Florida legislature successfully amends the law, it could provide Governor DeSantis with a unique opportunity to pursue his ambitions and stay in office should he become an official presidential nominee. Until such time comes, however, all eyes will be on the governor to see if he chooses to enter the race.

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