Border Crisis: Surge In Migrants Leaves Texas In Turmoil

On Friday, January 20, 2023, the US Customs and Border Protection agency announced that more than 250,000 migrants had been apprehended at the southern border in December. This staggering figure represents an all-time high for December since records began in 2000. Including this December data, the total migrant apprehensions for the new fiscal year came to 633,451. In comparison, the total number was 400,651 in 2020.

The surge of migrants attempting to cross into the US has overwhelmed President Joe Biden’s immigration policies, making it evident that new measures must be taken. Nestor Morales, director of the National Border Patrol Council, commented on an apprehension rate surpassing 250,000 individuals in a single month. It is also clear that this number is only increasing with those able to slip through unnoticed. This unprecedented figure is yet another example of how inadequate current efforts are proving to be and why they must evolve if we hope for real change.

In El Paso, Texas, the extent of the crisis has become alarming. In December alone, more than 56,000 migrants were apprehended. This number was far beyond what processing and detention centers were designed to handle. According to safety protocol, these centers should have a maximum capacity of 3,500. To cope with this influx Mayor Dee Margo took drastic action and declared a state of disaster last month.

As President Biden made his way to El Paso, Texas Governor Greg Abbott greeted him at the airport with a letter of sharp criticism concerning his lack of action in solving the humanitarian crisis ravaging this area. Despite coming face-to-face with such an issue, he failed to take part or make any meaningful statements regarding it.

In his letter, Governor Abbott wrote that Biden’s visit to the Texas border was too little and two years late. He also emphasized that Biden has sidestepped areas with high rates of illegal immigration and has neglected countless Texas landowners whose lives have been drastically disrupted by his policies at the border. Even though $20 billion is being allocated to improve these regions, it does not undo the damage already incurred.

Texas-based Border Patrol sectors account for an immense majority of all migrant apprehensions in the US, with more than 60% under their jurisdiction. Republican Congressman Pat Fallon has taken drastic action against Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and filed articles of impeachment due to his failure to enforce federal border security and immigration law properly.

From the start, Secretary Mayorkas has been hindering law enforcement efforts on our southern border–so said Fallon in an interview with Fox News. He emphasized how even his testimony before Congress regarding controlling the borders was false. Furthermore, he criticized border patrol agents unfairly by referring to a scandal as ‘whip-gate.’ It was apparent that Secretary Mayorkas needed to be more suited for heading up the Department of Homeland Security due to all these factors.

According to the latest poll, more than half of American adults (54%) attribute a “great deal” or “some” responsibility for this crisis to President Biden. Although his administration has taken several steps, such as increasing housing capacity and quickening processing and deportation times to make improvements, these measures are inadequate in light of the continuing rise in migrant apprehensions.

The White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, passionately declared that the President was determined to establish a compassionate and humane approach towards migration that respects human rights and honors our values by keeping families together. This is truly an unparalleled emergency with no comparison.

No matter how hard the government tries, the situation worsens. 

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